PAYPALZ Membership

We will like for you to join our community of PAYPALZ that will afford you bi-weekly group video chats and Q&A, Monthly power talks from various experts in business, finance, health & well being and much more. You may choose to join the community at any level that suits your need and upgrade anytime.


I am so delighted that you stopped by. The fact that you are here is a testament to your desire to re-discover your purpose and to step fully into it.
Your journey is personal to me because my purpose is to help others discover, accept, and walk in their purpose. That is why I have developed a number of tools that will help you to return to EVERYTHING that you were designed to be. YOU are greatness personified.

We will like for you to join our community of PAYPALZ that will afford you bi-weekly group video chats and Q&A, Monthly power talks from various experts in business, finance, health & well being and much more. You may join our PAYPALZ community. You may choose to join the community at any level that suits your need and upgrade anytime.

See the information below:

GOLD: $250 (Annually)

• Gold PAYPALZ bracelet

• Weekly meetings (with thought leaders)

• Weekly power-up videos

• 20% discount on merchandise

• 30% discount on workshops/seminars/conferences.

• 20% discount on workshops/seminars/conferences

• Automatic entries in giveaways & sweepstakes

SILVER: $175 (Annually)
• Silver PAYPALZ bracelet

• 2 group meeting per month (with thought leaders)

• Weekly power-up videos

• 15% discount on merchandise

• 20% discount on workshops/seminars/conferences

• Automatic entries in giveaways & sweepstakes

BRONZE: $125_(Annually)

• Bronze PAYPALZ bracelet

• 1 group meeting per month (with thought leaders)

• Weekly power-up videos

• 10% discount on merchandise

• 15% discount on workshops/seminars/conferences

Again, welcome and I look forward to having you join our community of women and men who are on their journey towards living a purpose-powered life.

Avril Ellis


Gold, Silver, Bronze


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Meet Avril

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I’m a woman passionate about purpose + business, charity, journals, Cabernet Sauvignon and helping people maximize their potential and live on purpose.

Purpose Awaits You

Copyright © 2020 Purpose Awaits You

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